Monday, June 27, 2005

Blog of the day

Post secret
Doesn't it feel great that one is not the only one having crazy secrets.

Monday, June 20, 2005


Summer is here! Well at least here, were I live. Now, am I the only one who thinks this season is the most frustrating one of them all? OK, when to work? when to go on vacation? where to work? where to go on vacation? do that? or do this? When's that? When's this? - OK! Time out! -

This summer i will do exactly what I've done most of my previous summers, i.e just relax and take day by day without planning anything specific.
And then when summer is over, I will regret everything I've could have done but didn't do!

Friday, June 17, 2005


The sky was beautiful today

Monday, June 13, 2005


Received this chain letter from Henrik (cool blog by the way) It took me some time to come up with the answers, but here they are!

1. Total number of books owned?
Not sure, about 200 I guess, maybe more.

2. The last book I bought ?
Lé Peste - Albert Camus

3. The last book I read?

4. Five books that meant a lot to me.

The alchemist, Coelho Paulo
A great book that I found very suitable to read when dreams are too far away. It's a story about a shepherd who gives up everything to follow his life journey and his dream. I think this book can fit just about anyone.

Zen speaks, Chung Tsai Chih
Actually a comic-book with teachings of Zen. I usually pick it up on certain occasions, and I always understand/learn something new. Hilarious book.

Man and his symbols, Jung Carl Gustav
A book that provided me with a lot of words and perspectives on thoughts I had trouble to map.

Russian Avante-garde books 1917-34, Compton Susan
Picked up this book at an antiques-shop a couple of years ago, without much insight on the subject. Little did I know that it was to play a essential role as a source of inspiration in creating my own art.

Siddhartha, Hesse Herman
A tale of Siddhartha, a young brahmin searching for a place to get his life fulfilled. He meet various different people, including Buddha, to find what he is looking for is something else.

5. Take 3 people and have them fill this out on their LJ:s.
New world boarders, Metafizzics and Philentropy

One was suppose to pick five people, but I only came up with three and I think picking five can be a little hard so I'm changing the chain letter (I hope that's not a sin!) Maybe some reader(s) want to fill in?

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Unusual thing

There is it this unusual thing that occurred me three times this week. I've been keeping my down thinking about something (can't recall what) and doubted it since I haven't found a way to prove it. All three times when I looked up, I've found myself looking at some beautiful flower bushes, which I have some yet unmapped liking for. This happened at different places and in different stages, and in the state of being awake.

Symbol for hope?

The art of mapping

The recent week I've been trying to improve my way of mapping my thoughts. I.e connecting yesterday's thought with today's, and mapping them somewhere.

I feel that I've just been collecting 'material' the recent days, because my mind hasn't exercised many thoughts. My theory is that when those times we say "nothing is happening" occurs, we're often in a state where we need collect things to reach some more distant state (which need some work to reach)

I predicted this day to be just another day of collecting material. But it only took me to go down and buy some milk to get my mind filled with thoughts to exercise.
I realized that going down to the shop to buy some milk also had a purpose of taking up many of the thoughts I collected. I had many realizations on my way to store. In theory, I believe every action has a lot of purposes beyond those we directly know. That's basic psychology. However, I think having that cognitively to start with is hard! I think I improved my cognitive sense to that today.

This is a interesting pattern I find myself in a lot:

Collecting thoughts - Being at home, with friends, or in a familiar environment
Taking up thoughts - Moving physically/mentally to somewhere else
Mapping thoughts - Being at home, with friends or in a familiar environment.

It can be reversed in many ways, but 'taking up thoughts' is dependent on switching to another environment than the one one's in when 'collecting thoughts'.
Now this can be developed much further, I considering doing that.

I just love exploring the versatility in situations!

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Apple goes Intel

I'm shocked!

Apple Goes intel equals Apple goes Trusted Computing which equals
Apple goes 'Evil inside!' Help!

See the Press release
and this comic and
this article, the writer was wrong about the rumor!

Frustration and some acceptance here!

Saturday, June 04, 2005

Art, life and pro-materialism.

Met a friend, Charles, today. I was helping him out with his website, which needed some maintenance. He is a great painter, go check out his paintings!

We ended up chatting a lot, comparing lifestyles and views of life. Now Charles is the type that owns nothing else but what he needs. I.e clothing, paint material, a bike and kitchen utensils. Yes, no specific furniture, no bed, no interior stuff, rarely any books and no, no computer.

I'm fund of this lifestyle. Personally, I don't own much more than my computers, a desk, a thin mattress and a bunch of books. I like this lifestyle. I'd love to have all my books on my laptop instead, sad thing that's not possible yet.

Yes, I do prefer a concrete book, but I think one just has to get used to read books on the computer. I mean, we do read a lot of information from the computer screen, why not books? I like the development of Internet, I assume that we will soon be able to get about any media from the net.

Now don't get me wrong here, I think it's nice to have a bookshelf and records and everything. However, I figured that if I would leave those desires, I would end up with less material stuff, which I much prefer at this stage of my life.

Thursday, June 02, 2005