Monday, June 13, 2005


Received this chain letter from Henrik (cool blog by the way) It took me some time to come up with the answers, but here they are!

1. Total number of books owned?
Not sure, about 200 I guess, maybe more.

2. The last book I bought ?
Lé Peste - Albert Camus

3. The last book I read?

4. Five books that meant a lot to me.

The alchemist, Coelho Paulo
A great book that I found very suitable to read when dreams are too far away. It's a story about a shepherd who gives up everything to follow his life journey and his dream. I think this book can fit just about anyone.

Zen speaks, Chung Tsai Chih
Actually a comic-book with teachings of Zen. I usually pick it up on certain occasions, and I always understand/learn something new. Hilarious book.

Man and his symbols, Jung Carl Gustav
A book that provided me with a lot of words and perspectives on thoughts I had trouble to map.

Russian Avante-garde books 1917-34, Compton Susan
Picked up this book at an antiques-shop a couple of years ago, without much insight on the subject. Little did I know that it was to play a essential role as a source of inspiration in creating my own art.

Siddhartha, Hesse Herman
A tale of Siddhartha, a young brahmin searching for a place to get his life fulfilled. He meet various different people, including Buddha, to find what he is looking for is something else.

5. Take 3 people and have them fill this out on their LJ:s.
New world boarders, Metafizzics and Philentropy

One was suppose to pick five people, but I only came up with three and I think picking five can be a little hard so I'm changing the chain letter (I hope that's not a sin!) Maybe some reader(s) want to fill in?

1 comment:

Daniel said...

When I read those books my life was a little dependent on them in away. That gives a lot.