Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Play and be played

A boy plays with a car.
The boy grows up to be a man.
A car plays with the man.

A boy plays with time.
The boy grows up to be a man.
Time plays with the man.

Someone plays with life
A grown man.
Life plays back.
They smile.
For he has not grown out of it.

Thursday, October 20, 2005


Hi, sorry for the recent lack of updates. (if someone is actually reading my blog)
Check out Rasmus blog here. It's much more accurate at the moment.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

The three ways to perceive

The environment was predictable and unexciting, thought the man.
- Close your eyes for a couple of minutes, and feel yourself. said the Master.
The man closed his eyes and began to feel his heartbeat. It was fast and intense. He began to calm it down. In the middle of the process, the Master suggested that he should look up. He did so, and suddenly felt how the environment was different, and more calm.
- Continue, if you feel. said the Master
The man continued the process. When he was done he looked up and suddenly felt the environment exciting and vibrating. The people, trees, birds - yes, everything - suddenly had something to "say" to him.

The master said,
- You will always have at least three different ways to perceive this world around you. The only thing you can do is to choose which one...
- True, said the Master, who actually were the man himself.

And the man was, actually me.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Bad karma

3 things that's bad for your karma.

Giving away received gifts.
Ok so you got this cheap chocolate last-last christmas from someone, and now you thought it would be convenient to give it to your coworker on his birthday? Don't. *

Searching for yourself on Google.

Thinking what people will say about you on your funeral
This one is really, really bad. Don't elaborate on it!

NOTE: These are views and opinions by the author and does not necessarily follow those by the law of nature by the same or all extent.

* You probably got it from someone, who got it from his boss last new year who got it from his secretary who got it from her freind who got it from her aunt Petty.

Trees and true nature

The upper tree branch must look down to know that it's above, but it does not look down. The lower tree branch must look up to know that it's under, but it does not look up.

Look, where the treetops are, that's where heaven start and that's where the trees start growing from.

I let all the three branches be higher than myself, as if heaven were earth.
Meanwhile, the three branches lets me be higher than them, as if earth were heaven.
They know where they grow and stand, so they do not have to look neither up or down on anything.

When you know where you grow, you will as the trees, not have the need to look up or down on anything. You will meet tranquillity and awareness.

you just have to found out where.

Monday, September 19, 2005


The net. Freedom to watch what you want to watch from it. Free to read of what you want to read of it. Free to say what you want to it.
But not in China.

Rasmus, where is your blog at?

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Autumn bliss

Autumn made it's entrance here yesterday. While I was siting outside relaxing, I fell into a really deep meditation. I started to feel how it felt to be the environment. All the sounds were me. This happened to me only once before, back then I got terrified. I was lying in my bed listening to the cars outside the window and I got the idea that I was controlling them (But I was just "being them"). But this time, there were merely any cars, and I was more aware of this nature. It was beautiful.

Where ever you are, you're playing a role there. Things and others are influenced by your actions, to take their actions and vice verse. If you feel and listen to your nature and act by it, other people and things will do that to.

Thursday, September 08, 2005


The leafs will fall, wherever you sit.

I love detroit techno.

Thursday, September 01, 2005


Something happened the last couple of days, feels like I've been through some sort of transition. First of all, my observing sense has improved a lot. I notice far more than before. Second of all, I find myself having more control and awareness in my dreams. I find myself releasing my body deep just about every night when I go to sleep.

I think I've released my ego a lot. I'm far more better at seeing people in a positive mood when I'm in a negative, and seeing people in a negative mood when I'm in a positive one.
Normally if I feel that someone is in a negative mood, my feelings gets really affected by it (even if I camouflage it) But I've found myself being better in keeping my mood while I'm feeling somebody else's.

The output has become really good, for me and the people around.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Electric day

I felt like I was six when I ran to catch the train today. My mind clear as ecstasy noticing every little detail that I could possible perceive. The people, the cars, the animals, the signs!

I rare that I have so much "electricity" in me as I had today. Only can I remember a few occasions.

The hair saloon called my cell and told me that my hairdresser was 30 minutes late, and suggested that I maybe wanted to wait somewhere else than there. Ok, so I'm standing outside a church. Thinking "Why not" (I'm baptized and confirmed, but haven't paid church much visit ever since)

The church felt calm. Just by siting there I received even more energy, releasing my body and enhancing my senses even more. If I would have stayed longer than 15 minutes, I swear that my body would glide away. I'm not a believer in the bible or in jesus (in the way that they are manuals for my life) but I really believe in church as being open for everyone, free of charge - filling the purpose for place to be and question life and divinity. I do feel calm in churches.

Later at the hair saloon , I felt stress and artificialness. The people there felt tense and played typical roles, instead of playing themselves. Yet not nightmare either. Lost some energy. Got a good haircut.

Spent the rest of the day using my ecstasy watching people.

Monday, August 29, 2005


The feeling came, and the man forgot to blink his eyes. His sight became white and his body began vibrating. Where's my sight? He blinked.

He came back. His sight was normal. For a moment he had realized what seeing was, but then he got his sight back and was once blind again.

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Timeless rebel

Master Sun-Tzu Said,

Invulnerability is
Vulnerability is

I add:

Invulnerability is
Vulnerability is

Lao-Tzu said:

A wise man is not taught,
A taught man is not wise

I say:

Being taught is being vulnerable.
Being wise is being invulnerable.

I question,

Why does people defend being vulnerable?


They are taught so.

Friday, August 19, 2005

Feeling over nothing

When I'm out by myself, I more often get a euphoric feeling over nothing in particular. I realize that at this spot, were I'm standing right now is absolute. The people, animals and things at that spot are absolute. It's a feeling that everything is what it is. Where ever one stand also stand some unlimited possibilities. And always unique possibilities for that That spot at That time.

Eventually my mind find itself standing at a different place than my body, and the balance goes out again. But only to eventually become synchronized again. That's the beauty.

Monday, August 15, 2005

A odd afternoon nap

Grew tired because of the sun, so I feel asleep on the sofa. Then I heard my roommate come home. I was half awake, hearing him just a little and I was thinking I should get up. But I fell asleep. But then I heard him again, but fell asleep. And then again, but I fell asleep.
Then I had a out-of-the body experience, started to fly around the room and I tried to get up to the other floor through the roof, but it would bend, not letting my body through. Then I woke up, finding that my roommate wasn't in, at all, and that I should get back to work.

A odd out-of-the-afternoon-nap-experience.

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Tic tac, computerclock.

Here I'm siting, frustrated trying with my logic mind, to repair a computer. The computer, man's invention to create a as logic and controllable virtual reality as possible.

The computer isn't working. Using logic trying to solve logic is a strange process when you question it, I'd say. Why do we use this virtual reality? I'm looking at gaining more control, fast and easy.

But why doesn't the 21th century man understand that the more you are controlling something, the more "it" controls you.
The computer is since about 50 years back vital to keep the society under control. We had to invent it. But what happens when we want more control over the computer than it can bring us? Just like when we invented it to get more control over "life" than "it" could bring us? I predict a sub-reality to the sub-reality. A computer to the computer.

Who wants a non-working reality and a non-working virtual reality? I better fix my frustration... I mean... the computer.

Monday, June 27, 2005

Blog of the day

Post secret
Doesn't it feel great that one is not the only one having crazy secrets.

Monday, June 20, 2005


Summer is here! Well at least here, were I live. Now, am I the only one who thinks this season is the most frustrating one of them all? OK, when to work? when to go on vacation? where to work? where to go on vacation? do that? or do this? When's that? When's this? - OK! Time out! -

This summer i will do exactly what I've done most of my previous summers, i.e just relax and take day by day without planning anything specific.
And then when summer is over, I will regret everything I've could have done but didn't do!

Friday, June 17, 2005


The sky was beautiful today

Monday, June 13, 2005


Received this chain letter from Henrik (cool blog by the way) It took me some time to come up with the answers, but here they are!

1. Total number of books owned?
Not sure, about 200 I guess, maybe more.

2. The last book I bought ?
Lé Peste - Albert Camus

3. The last book I read?

4. Five books that meant a lot to me.

The alchemist, Coelho Paulo
A great book that I found very suitable to read when dreams are too far away. It's a story about a shepherd who gives up everything to follow his life journey and his dream. I think this book can fit just about anyone.

Zen speaks, Chung Tsai Chih
Actually a comic-book with teachings of Zen. I usually pick it up on certain occasions, and I always understand/learn something new. Hilarious book.

Man and his symbols, Jung Carl Gustav
A book that provided me with a lot of words and perspectives on thoughts I had trouble to map.

Russian Avante-garde books 1917-34, Compton Susan
Picked up this book at an antiques-shop a couple of years ago, without much insight on the subject. Little did I know that it was to play a essential role as a source of inspiration in creating my own art.

Siddhartha, Hesse Herman
A tale of Siddhartha, a young brahmin searching for a place to get his life fulfilled. He meet various different people, including Buddha, to find what he is looking for is something else.

5. Take 3 people and have them fill this out on their LJ:s.
New world boarders, Metafizzics and Philentropy

One was suppose to pick five people, but I only came up with three and I think picking five can be a little hard so I'm changing the chain letter (I hope that's not a sin!) Maybe some reader(s) want to fill in?

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Unusual thing

There is it this unusual thing that occurred me three times this week. I've been keeping my down thinking about something (can't recall what) and doubted it since I haven't found a way to prove it. All three times when I looked up, I've found myself looking at some beautiful flower bushes, which I have some yet unmapped liking for. This happened at different places and in different stages, and in the state of being awake.

Symbol for hope?

The art of mapping

The recent week I've been trying to improve my way of mapping my thoughts. I.e connecting yesterday's thought with today's, and mapping them somewhere.

I feel that I've just been collecting 'material' the recent days, because my mind hasn't exercised many thoughts. My theory is that when those times we say "nothing is happening" occurs, we're often in a state where we need collect things to reach some more distant state (which need some work to reach)

I predicted this day to be just another day of collecting material. But it only took me to go down and buy some milk to get my mind filled with thoughts to exercise.
I realized that going down to the shop to buy some milk also had a purpose of taking up many of the thoughts I collected. I had many realizations on my way to store. In theory, I believe every action has a lot of purposes beyond those we directly know. That's basic psychology. However, I think having that cognitively to start with is hard! I think I improved my cognitive sense to that today.

This is a interesting pattern I find myself in a lot:

Collecting thoughts - Being at home, with friends, or in a familiar environment
Taking up thoughts - Moving physically/mentally to somewhere else
Mapping thoughts - Being at home, with friends or in a familiar environment.

It can be reversed in many ways, but 'taking up thoughts' is dependent on switching to another environment than the one one's in when 'collecting thoughts'.
Now this can be developed much further, I considering doing that.

I just love exploring the versatility in situations!

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Apple goes Intel

I'm shocked!

Apple Goes intel equals Apple goes Trusted Computing which equals
Apple goes 'Evil inside!' Help!

See the Press release
and this comic and
this article, the writer was wrong about the rumor!

Frustration and some acceptance here!

Saturday, June 04, 2005

Art, life and pro-materialism.

Met a friend, Charles, today. I was helping him out with his website, which needed some maintenance. He is a great painter, go check out his paintings!

We ended up chatting a lot, comparing lifestyles and views of life. Now Charles is the type that owns nothing else but what he needs. I.e clothing, paint material, a bike and kitchen utensils. Yes, no specific furniture, no bed, no interior stuff, rarely any books and no, no computer.

I'm fund of this lifestyle. Personally, I don't own much more than my computers, a desk, a thin mattress and a bunch of books. I like this lifestyle. I'd love to have all my books on my laptop instead, sad thing that's not possible yet.

Yes, I do prefer a concrete book, but I think one just has to get used to read books on the computer. I mean, we do read a lot of information from the computer screen, why not books? I like the development of Internet, I assume that we will soon be able to get about any media from the net.

Now don't get me wrong here, I think it's nice to have a bookshelf and records and everything. However, I figured that if I would leave those desires, I would end up with less material stuff, which I much prefer at this stage of my life.

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Sunday, May 29, 2005

Business card world

I've been trying to avoid the business card world, but today I realized that I can't escape it :)

Went to this hip nightclub and started chatting with a guy who was looking for a Graphic artist (that's me) and he asked me for a business card as he seemed interested in my service. OK I don't have any business cards! I do work professionally but I never really designed any for myself. OK so I ended up telling him I didn't have any cards on me, and he wrote is number on a note instead. (Hey, where were his business card by the way?)

Now, I do think business cards are good, they tell others your role in society. But I do hate playing roles and being a stereotype, which is one reason why I don't have any card. I did however figure out that it is possible to have a card with just my name and no specific title. But maybe that's confusing.

What does your card say?

Saturday, May 28, 2005


v. danced, danc·ing, danc·es
v. intr.

1. Moving without no specific destiny
2. Moving with equally balanced forces

Synonyms: meditate (mentally), sports (in general) etc.

There is one state one can reach only by a certain monotonous rhythm. Either you meditate, play golf, run, do ji-jutsu or dance. What do these things have in common? Well I'd say you are moving without no predefined destiny (the next movement is a constant change) When you reach this stage, I believe your forces reach a state where they are as balanced they can get. This is an interesting state, I recommend it with all my heart. Now don't forget to separate reaching it from being in it. Reaching this state requires practice, and being in it requires guts.

Sorry for the lack of updates. I've been thinking too much and acting to little. To compensate this, I spontaneously ran for almost 2 hours nonstop the other night. I met 2 rabbits, a couple of cars and 2 people. My mind luckily got clear again.

Friday, May 20, 2005

Understand the meaning of life in 5 steps

(1) Life's an art! Find an art, any art.

(2) Understand that art.

(3) Understand that all arts are arts.

(4) Understand art

(5) Understand life

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

If you accept your obstacles...

You may have limits, but within your limits there are no limits.
The sacrifice is accepting your obstacles.

The opposite to mathematics

You may change your environment.

Will the environment change itself to you, or will you change yourself to it?

Todays statement is: If you don't separate yourself from the environment (assuming you are separated from it), the environment will be whatever you want it to be. But if you become one with it, how could you make it whatever what you want it to be? Since you would be one with it, you would not have anything else to compare it to, leaving no options to consider.

Comparisons = Numbers, statistics, math, logic.

What's the opposite to math

(5th of October, 2005) Answer:

The unknown. Also known as God, the forces of Earth, Randomness or The things most people can't see.

How to reach it? Walk the path between logic and intuition, leaving nothing out or nothing in. You might get a glimpse.

Information overload

I went over to some friends of mine down the block for dinner today. I had a typical good monday I'd say. Did some fencing with Giraffe (nickname) and had a beer and a good meal. Later on we were watching television, which I particularly enjoy since I don't have one myself.

At the end of the night Giraffe and his girl fell a sleep watching the TV. This got me thinking a lot. Giraffe mentioned earlier how many images we go through everyday day, i.e images from TV, computers, outside commercials, signs, products etc and how hard we have sorting them out.

I typically stay up until I'm overloaded with information, i.e I starting to feel that I had enough and can't grab anymore. Since I don't have any TV, I sit in front of my computers instead.

I wonder how this affects us, consciously and unconsciously.

Sunday, May 15, 2005

the divinty in 150$

I lost about 150$ today while I was running. They somehow managed to escape my pocket, I don't know how. OK so what do you do? Nothing really stopped me from looking for them, so I did that.

Now my philosophy is whatever happens - happens. Ok most people probably agree on that. That's simple, isn't it? I have to admit that even if I have a philosophy of life, I don't live by it all the time. Actually not very often because I can only connect my philosophy to certain situations. Now I'm glad that I actually managed to connect it to this case. As a footnote, the progressive development of connecting my philosophy to more and more situations is really fundamental for my life.

When I was looking for the money I actually managed to use my somewhat ideal rhythm/pattern/structure i.e ideal way to deal with the situation. Now it can be a little hard to translate my this rhythm, but I simply I kept calm but with a little stress in I way I found about enough for the situation.

I didn't put all my focus on the money, since I felt that my mind would be too isolated. Ok so what happened instead? Well, I got enriched by a lot of thoughts.
I later sat down with my friend Indigo (nickname) and his father chatting some various topic. Somehow we reflected the scenario and came up with that you can look at the whole situation as I indeliberately "gave away" the money. I think that's a rare perspective and accepting it enriched me so much.

Now I have a idea of a law here. If you loose/give away something, as in my case, you are open to get/receive things to compensate the loss. Now, from my philosophy giving and taking is two reflections of one thing. So I think this situation actually can result that you get open to both give more and receive more.

Alright so I think I gave more to myself in way, because when I ran home I was both happy and my mind enriched me with so many things I longed after. A lot of philosophical questions became clear for me, and as I wrote previously I was able to see my philosophy in a lot of new situations. This is really priceless for me.

I didn't find my 150$, but I found so much else, something divine.

Saturday, May 14, 2005


I want at least ten of these! :)

From the ground to the sky and back

Keep thinking how I'm looking for just the same thing, all the time, but through various views.

If you fly high, you'll see the things in a larger context, but you'll miss the details.
If you fly low, you'll see the things in a detailed context, but you miss the overview.

Yes, I prefer being somewhere in the middle, but that's so boring and predictable right now. But being on the right/left end is so restricted, because then I'll sort everything else out.

OK, that's two dilemmas, I'm not going to make that three. But that's kind of naive said, because every sentence can be looked as a dilemma. If you look at things from the far right or the far left, you'll see a straight dilemma in everything.
Are you following? Neither am I.
I'll put an example, and maybe we both understand. I.e If you tell yourself that the republican's politics are absolutely wrong, then you will meet a dilemma every time someone or something states (proves) the opposite. However I'd like to state that in real-life situations, one often just neglects that someone or something stating the opposite, leaving the dilemma to be neglected too.

Now this is a development of my previous thread about the "rhythm"
You see in every case/moment/situation you have a stance or maybe better, a position. I.e you either you fly high, or you fly low, at some degree more/less than the other. My theory is that your "rhythm" predefines your stances in the situations you are about to get in.

Seen from the spiral/loop, your "rhythm" which predefines these stances has it's "rhythm" (and so on)
I like the word rhythm, but some synonyms are order, way, structure...

Friday, May 13, 2005

A History of the GUI

Arstechnica has an article about the history of the Graphical User Interface. Personally I always used operating systems with GUI's, starting with Mac OS 7 and Windows 3.11. I admit I use the terminal sometimes, but I would have a hard time with just a command line. I wonder how the command line-generation possibly looks at the GUI.

Here are some additional links of mine concerning the topic:
Graphical User Interface Gallery

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Bloging keeps changing your life

I sat down at a coffee place today with a friend and reflected possible ways how bloging can affects blogers. Now, If you blog you might connect to this and If you don't, it still might be a pretty interesting topic.

Ever since I started bloging, I kept thinking of what possible event could/should/will I write about today. I even had the thought that I really should do "something" so that I would have "something" to write about.

Now, I can easily confess that having a weblog makes me more active, and often when I philosophise I remind myself that this could be something to write in my blog. That is a new direction in life.

Now one must be some sort of a exhibitionist to even consider having a weblog. Don't you agree? One of my statements for today is that a blog is a possibly good win-win situation for both the person writing it and the reader. The bloger can have his or her thoughts indexed, and the reader can take part of them receiving response from the person bloging and likewise giving response to him or her.

Todays political statement: If you want an active life, Blog, Blog your active life!

Blog of the day

I am a Japanese School Teacher
I hope you enjoy it as much as i do.

The rhythm

I believe everyone is carrying a certain rhythm. Now rhythm is just one word for it, but since it's my word for today, I choose to use it.

Your rhythm can be just anything, like a pattern of which you perform your thinking.
Since we're humans, I believe that we always wish we had a better rhythm, just as we tend to want just a little bit more in a lot of situations. Now I don't see this absolute negative, it's one of the things that I believe keeps us forward. I look at it as being both positive and negative.

Today I improved my rhythm a lot. I gave up a lot of rational thinking ( I actually consider myself relatively "irrational") creating an even further limit of what's possible. Now I'd like to state that we are improving/worsening our rhythm every day.

Why did I write both improving and worsening? Well that's primary because I try not to look at things black and white and second of all because you can chose which one that feels accurate for you right now. Finally, also because I look at those two words just a two different views of one thing. I assume the final statement can be a little tricky to grasp, but I will keep on developing it in my blog.

Ultimately (in this thread) I'd like to state that we do naturally separate our selves from others, making our rhythms separate. Even though our rhythms are separate, I believe they make up something unified.

Now, can you connect in any way?

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Night running

Sometimes I need to change environment completely. A lot of times that is 1.30 am on a Tuesday night, when I find my self puzzled what do. So I picked up my sneakers, a sweater and loaded my mp3-player with some tracks and went out running. I must admit, I rarely go out running and I'm not in very good shape being a smoker and all.

I found my self running out in the wild night with nothing but me and a lot of attractive lights and a couple of circling taxi-cars. I just love nights, the roar of the city is completely gone and there is so much physical and mental space.
I was running to the monotonous techno playing in my ears while my mind carried no verbal thoughts and my sight did not focus on any particular detail.

I just love that state.