Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Bloging keeps changing your life

I sat down at a coffee place today with a friend and reflected possible ways how bloging can affects blogers. Now, If you blog you might connect to this and If you don't, it still might be a pretty interesting topic.

Ever since I started bloging, I kept thinking of what possible event could/should/will I write about today. I even had the thought that I really should do "something" so that I would have "something" to write about.

Now, I can easily confess that having a weblog makes me more active, and often when I philosophise I remind myself that this could be something to write in my blog. That is a new direction in life.

Now one must be some sort of a exhibitionist to even consider having a weblog. Don't you agree? One of my statements for today is that a blog is a possibly good win-win situation for both the person writing it and the reader. The bloger can have his or her thoughts indexed, and the reader can take part of them receiving response from the person bloging and likewise giving response to him or her.

Todays political statement: If you want an active life, Blog, Blog your active life!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Check out this guy!