Sunday, May 15, 2005

the divinty in 150$

I lost about 150$ today while I was running. They somehow managed to escape my pocket, I don't know how. OK so what do you do? Nothing really stopped me from looking for them, so I did that.

Now my philosophy is whatever happens - happens. Ok most people probably agree on that. That's simple, isn't it? I have to admit that even if I have a philosophy of life, I don't live by it all the time. Actually not very often because I can only connect my philosophy to certain situations. Now I'm glad that I actually managed to connect it to this case. As a footnote, the progressive development of connecting my philosophy to more and more situations is really fundamental for my life.

When I was looking for the money I actually managed to use my somewhat ideal rhythm/pattern/structure i.e ideal way to deal with the situation. Now it can be a little hard to translate my this rhythm, but I simply I kept calm but with a little stress in I way I found about enough for the situation.

I didn't put all my focus on the money, since I felt that my mind would be too isolated. Ok so what happened instead? Well, I got enriched by a lot of thoughts.
I later sat down with my friend Indigo (nickname) and his father chatting some various topic. Somehow we reflected the scenario and came up with that you can look at the whole situation as I indeliberately "gave away" the money. I think that's a rare perspective and accepting it enriched me so much.

Now I have a idea of a law here. If you loose/give away something, as in my case, you are open to get/receive things to compensate the loss. Now, from my philosophy giving and taking is two reflections of one thing. So I think this situation actually can result that you get open to both give more and receive more.

Alright so I think I gave more to myself in way, because when I ran home I was both happy and my mind enriched me with so many things I longed after. A lot of philosophical questions became clear for me, and as I wrote previously I was able to see my philosophy in a lot of new situations. This is really priceless for me.

I didn't find my 150$, but I found so much else, something divine.


Anonymous said...

I Stole it Time !!!

Had to pay the damn child support

Daniel said...

figures :D

frstlymil said...

I don't even carry i.d. when I run - what would you need $150 for? (Sorry you lost it though.)

Daniel said...

Well, I Just had them. I don't bring anything when I run either. That's a sort of freedom, running to no specific destiny bringing no specific thing :)

Anonymous said...

Maybe I don't understand what you're trying to get across, but how can you accept that you "indeliberately gave away" $150 when that's not what you did at all? You lost it somehow. You gave it away in only the most technical meaning - but you had no original intention of "giving it away". That seems like avoiding the real situation and lying to yourself to make a bad situation seem good. (Unless, of course, you aren't in a critical financial situation, then you shouldn't have ties strong enough to money to where it dominates your thinking, not the other way around.)

Daniel said...

Interesting view. What is the real situation? Is it necessary bad? I'd say it's how you take it from the beginning. Now I didn't take the situation as that bad, resulting that it was easier to handle.
Of course one has to apply defense mechanisms, that's very natural and essential I'd say.
Yes, I didn't give away the money, I just used the word in a non-traditional meaning. The scenario is that I lost the money, couldn't find them, assumed someone did find them and then accepted the lost, indeliberately "giving" the money away to that someone.
I'm not in a good financial situation, but that's another chapter really :)