Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Information overload

I went over to some friends of mine down the block for dinner today. I had a typical good monday I'd say. Did some fencing with Giraffe (nickname) and had a beer and a good meal. Later on we were watching television, which I particularly enjoy since I don't have one myself.

At the end of the night Giraffe and his girl fell a sleep watching the TV. This got me thinking a lot. Giraffe mentioned earlier how many images we go through everyday day, i.e images from TV, computers, outside commercials, signs, products etc and how hard we have sorting them out.

I typically stay up until I'm overloaded with information, i.e I starting to feel that I had enough and can't grab anymore. Since I don't have any TV, I sit in front of my computers instead.

I wonder how this affects us, consciously and unconsciously.

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